
RegExp Filter For URL’s

I was trying to get a nice short Regular Expression to filter and validate the url’s entered by an user in an form, and finally I come up with one that you can use as your first pass filter that its been working fine for me.

It’s not a perfect one, but at least filter most of the commons mistakes user commit while filling out forms, specially from mobile devices:


At first looks for the http prefix with:


Then a conditional search for the https: secure servers prefix:


Next the colon:


Also force the double forward slashes to prevent typing “http:/”:


Next it will look for any group of letters or numbers followed by a dot that never should be preceded by a dot:


This will prevent the user to enter something like:

Next will look for optional name followed by dots:


Finally the expression will look for the last letters after the final dot, with a range from 1 to 4 digits (ex. co, com, mobi):


Now when you text this regular expression pattern with RegexBuilder this are the results:

Regular Expression pattern to filter url addresses

As I said, is not a perfect filter because some mistakes are passed like:

But this is intended just in case the user url is something like:

After filtering the first round with this you can also check later on for other errors that you might think are necessary for your application but I think this is a good start.

If you need this filtered for C++ literals here it is:


Happy Coding!

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